ALPS focus group discussions
Mozambique, Pemba. ALPS focus group discussions. 2021 Together we are strong. We are working towards a better place for all of us to...

Masiphumelele, Cape Town, Alps Rapid Dialogues Project
The final Alps led dialogue for 2020 was held in Masiphumelele under the Rapid Dialogues Project. This project addressed the needs of...

Masiphumelele, Cape Peninsula
Alps Resilience fostering social cohesion in South Africa through conversations.

ALPS Pemba Team
International Day of Non Violence. “He who led me in the night, will be thanked by me at daybreak”. Thanks to ALPS Pemba team

A poem recognising Migration and Refugees in Africa
Lakes, rivers, waterfalls,
The land abundant and green
Nature spacious and proud
Faith settled and true
Traditions like the clock,
Tick toc

Resilient Communities South Africa Update
The Building Resilient Refugee Communities project is a multi-year project funded by the United States Bureau of Population.